Biden (4-28-2021, On the January 6th Riot at the US Capitol Building): “…the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” This is patently the most disingenuous load of horse shit that old senile bastard has come up with yet and a slap in the face to the families and victims of the horrific attacks that this country has endured since the Civil War. But, after all, the whole point is to conjure up an enemy (white supremacists) and manufacture a “cure” (complete & total governmental control).

We now know (although virtually no media outlets report it) that the only people who died at the capitol on January 6th, 2021 were Trump supporters. These are the people that Biden, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats refer to as “White Supremacists” and “Domestic Terrorists”. It’s a perfect media-supported campaign to label anyone who’s not onboard with green new deals and cradle to crypt government welfare programs as enemies of the state. The Democrats are making an all out grab for complete power, the media provides the propaganda, and the mindless liberal & socialist masses couldn’t be happier… or more oblivious. It’s hard to tell which sometimes.