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We Hate Asians Now? Who knew?

Fake Asian hate
Interesting how a quick Google search of “Fake Asian Bias” returns as many pre-pandemic results as it does post-pandemic results. Hmmm.

In the latest installment of “all American white people are racists”, the media has gone full speed ahead on the notion that we’re now oppressing Asians… because of the virus… or something. They don’t really need proof for the idea, since “white supremacy” has been the narrative for the last 10 years or so. Starting with Obama and his cronies, our first black President (FIRST BLACK President) pushed forward the notion that racism was wayyyy worse than any of us thought it was, and eventually with the help of the media and weak-minded snowflakes the notion was born into existence. Bravo, dumb asses.

The idea of Asian bias because “the virus” never even crossed my mind, until I was bombarded with it. Even then it took me a minute to figure out why we were all supposedly hating on Asians. Linking the virus to all people of Asian decent was not my, and most likely not your first thought. Now, I’m not saying that there aren’t a gaggle of slack-jawed morons out there that are blaming Seo-yeon, the owner of the Korean market on the corner, for COVID. There are. There are also a bunch of shit-for-brains who hate all white people for various reasons spanning from shit we did 500 hundred years ago, to shit we did 100 years ago. Racist fucks exist, in every country in the world, and they come in every color of the rainbow. So, if we all try… try really hard not to be one of them, this stupidity should end about as quickly as it was started.

Final thought. It’s weird how Kamala has climbed her way up the racism ladder, isn’t it? First she cried sexism when things didn’t go her way. Then, she “identified” as a black woman and spouted on about racism when BLM was in vogue. Recently she had a change of heart and now “identifies” as an Asian-American. How convenient and politically advantageous. No one can ever disagree with her without being labeled a racist, sexist asshole.